KoF XIII: Athena Asamiya combo video

By   NeoAkira      octubre 19, 2013       

De regreso Persona el combo maker cumpliendo con su palabra de terminar uno por uno de los personajes de KOF XIII  un Video combos y en esta ocasión nos trae un video combo de Athena Asamiya .

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The King of Fighters XIII combo video showcasing what Athena Asamiya is capable of, be that old, new, practical or impractical.


This is the first time I actually had to use an arcade stick instead of a controller since to get most out of Athena's combos, you need really precise timing. All the butt attacks in the video (other than obvious ones canceled from ground attacks) are the air version and not the ground one. Although much more difficult to do, it rewards you with many things such as more damage, quicker startup and can be done at pretty much any height allowing more hits of her Phoenix Arrow to connect. Sometimes it's not a good idea to get more hits in the Phoenix Arrow since it will definitely add up in the damage scaling, but it actually does more overall damage when used after damage scaling is maxed. I also use all different enders for her Neo Max! Green (leftover color) for Elisabeth, yellow (lightning) for Benimaru, purple (flames) for EX Iori, black (tar?) for Saiki and bikini (KoF Kyo) for Kyo!



01) K': Aims for most damage starting with one power gauge (with butt loop).

02) Robert: Aims for most damage starting with one power gauge (without butt loop).

03) Mature: Stun combo (with butt loop).

04) Kula: Stun combo (without butt loop)

05) Kensou: -

06) Elisabeth: Aims for most damage with HD mode and two power gauges.

07) Benimamu: Aims for most damage with HD mode and three power gauges.

08) Leona: -

09) Iori: -

10) King: -

11) Saiki: -

12) Kyo: -



01) K': jp CD (counter hit), f B, f B, f B, f B, f B, f B xx qcb D, hcbx2 P

02) Robert: qcb A, jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx hcf AC, qcb A, qcb A, jp f B xx qcb D, dp C

03) Mature: jp CD (counter hit), f B, f B, f B, f B, f B, f B xx qcb D xx qcb AC, jp f B, f B, f B, f B, f B, f B xx qcb D xx qcb AC, jp f B, f B, f B, f B, f B, f B xx qcb D, dp A (STUN), qcb A, jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx f B xx qcb D xx qcb D, jp f B xx qcb D, hcbx2 P 1026 65

04) Kula: qcb A, jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx hcf AC, qcb A, qcb A, jp f B xx qcb D, dp C (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb D, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb D, dp C (STUN), qcb A, jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx hcf AC, qcb A, qcb A, qcb C, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb D, hcbx2 P

05) Kensou: qcb BD, jp qcb BD, qcb A, dp C (4 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp A (2 hits) xx hcbx2 P, hcbx2 P

06) Elisabeth: qcb A, jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx BC, C xx qcb A, C xx dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, qcb C, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, qcb C, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, qcb C, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb D (5 hits) xx hcb-f AC

07) Benimaru: qcb A, jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx BC, C xx qcb A, C xx dp A (1 hit) xx hcbx2 P, dp C (1 hit) xx qcf B, qcb C, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, qcb C, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb D (5 hits) xx hcb-f AC

08) Leona: jp C, C xx BC, C xx dp C (1 hit) xx qcb AC, jp f B, f B, f B, f B, f B, f B xx qcb B, dp A (1 hit) xx qcb AC xx hcbx2 P, dash jp, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf D, hcbx2 AC

09) Iori: jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx BC, C xx qcb A, C xx dp A (1 hit) xx hcbx2 P, dp C (1 hit) xx hcf P, do C (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb B, dp C (3 hits) xx hcbx2 P, hcb-f AC

10) King: jp C, D xx BC, C xx qcb A, C xx dp A (2 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp A (2 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp A (2 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp A (2 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp A (2 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp C

11) Saiki: jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx hcf AC, qcb A, qcb A, jp qcb BC (2 hits), dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb D (4 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, jp f B xx qcb D, hcbx2 P xx hcb-f AC

12) Kyo: qcb A, jp C, C xx qcb A, C xx BC, C xx f B xx qcb D xx qcb K, qcb A, dp C (4 hits) xx hcbx2 P, dp A (1 hit) xx qcf B, qcb C, hcbx2 AC xx hcb-f AC

by NeoAkira

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