[KOF Various] Athena CMV 2 - Against Athena

By   NeoAkira      mayo 10, 2015      Tags  

X-Combo esta de Vuelta y es un gusto ver su nueva produccion [KOF Various] Athena CMV 2 - Against Athena
Agradezco a  nuestro hermano Alberto Espinoza por el link del Video.
X-Combo Presents
Produced by Shenshen
A continue to the last Athena CMV, but this time is how she can be beat.
This CMV is to tell everyone we're still alive and making something, not to show something really really exciting or new. So thanks all combo makers who participate.

Something better is on its way, although it's most likely to be delayed so many times that nobody would ever remember...

by NeoAkira

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