Pre- SUPER Battle 4 Mexico 2013 2k2 Warmup Matches Feat. KULA and BU

By   NeoAkira      enero 25, 2013       

Buchecha tomando Ritmo cada ves mas y  preparándose para el torneo de legendas.

Agradecimiento  a Dark Geese por los videos


1. Buchecha (BRA) vs. Mr. Aguila (MEX)
2. Buchecha (BRA) vs. EMP | CG | LDA Kula

3. Erick (PUE) vs. DS Abraham (Abraham Warming up for the tournament)

These are nothing more than preview matches remember the event is on the 7-8th and stuff will be happening all the way up to the event itself!

The Update video at the end also speaks for itself the KOF 2002 Tournament of Legends Logo is finished, more coming for more personal matches etc.

I did not record these matches, they are with permission from Bart and Abraham..

When I am recording them trust me YOU WILL KNOW!

The Last Match is DS Abraham Warming up for the Tournament getting in shape again!!!

by NeoAkira

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