KoF XIII: Maxima combo video

By   NeoAkira      marzo 07, 2013       

Persona el gran combo maker legendario regresa con otro videocombo de KOF XIII ahora con Maxima.


The King of Fighters XIII combo video showcasing what Maxima is capable of, be that old, new, practical or impractical.


Since most of the combos from the old Maxima video were either removed or improved drastically, I decided to just delete it and replace it with this one. Everyone seems to leave out possible hits since you don't need all of them to get easy 100% combos with Maxima but I decided to fill in every hit possible such as the extra df Cs and all the hits from his Neo Max (not every combo allows you to get all hits though). Filling out all his df Cs even got me a new(?) 100% combo! From my experiences with Maxima and checking all videos I can find on the internet, I personally think this is as good as his combos get.


1) Andy: Aims for most damage starting with no drive and power gauge.

2) Ryo: -

3) Athena: Aims for most damage for HD mode and three power gauges.

4) Raiden: -

5) King: -

6) Hwa: -

7) Iori: Nothing but supers.

8) Ash: -

9) Shen: -

10) Takuma: -

11) Elisabeth: -

12) Mature: -



1) Andy: jp CD (counter hit), df C, df C, df C, df C, dp K

2) Ryo: jp C, D xx df C xx qcb AC, df C, hcb BD xx qcb P xx qcb AC, dash df C, hcb BD xx qcb P xx qcb AC, df C xx dp K

3) Athena: jp C, D xx df C xx BC, D xx df C xx qcb A xx qcfx2 P xx hcbx2 AC

4) Raiden: jp C, D xx df C xx BC, D xx df C xx qcb AC, qcfx2 AC (first and second hit whiff) xx hcbx2 AC

5) King: jp C, D xx df C xx BC, C (1 hit) xx df C xx hcb B xx qcb P xx qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC

6) Hwa: jp C, D xx df C xx BC, D xx df C xx qcb AC xx hcb B, df C, hcb BD xx qcb P xx qcb A xx qcfx2 P xx hcbx2 AC

7) Iori: qcfx2 P (counter hit), BC, qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC

8) Ash: jp C, D xx df C xx BC, D xx df C xx qcb AC, df C xx qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC

9) Shen: qcb P (counter hit), df C xx BC, jp qcb AC, df C xx qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC

10) CD (counter hit) xx BC, qcb AC xx hcb B, qcb A xx qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC

11) qcfx2 P (counter hit), jp qcb AC, df C, df C, df C, df C xx BC, jp qcb AC, df C, df C, df C xx hcbx2 AC

12) jp CD (counter hit), jp qcb AC, df C, df C, df C, df C, BC, jp qcb AC, df C, df C, df C, qcfx2 P xx hcbx2 AC

by NeoAkira

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