King of Fighters XIII - Trial Mode : Goro Daimon (60fps)

By   NeoAkira      noviembre 25, 2014      Tags  
Dark Chaotix de Orochinagi regresa con un nuevo Video de KOF XIII.
Fuente:Dark Chaotix

Goro Daimon and using this to test 60fps!

1.This is a link and need a slight delay before doing the throw.

4. Run a little so the grab connects

5. You can cancel the DM on the last few frames of df+C, so it doesn't need to be inputted like the older KoF's.

6. The cancels between moves have to be done fairly quick.

7. When running in to do df+C, make sure you go to neutral then do hcf+C or else you will get dp+A instead.

9. sA, sA, sB BC has to be done really quick so its easy to get confused. When doing df+C, the second ones has to be done straight away similar to K' f+A link. The hcf+A can be done after df+C has finished. The moves are reversed since you are putting the opponent on the opposite side.

10. NM done just before DM is finished.

by NeoAkira

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