KoF XIV: Chang Koehan combo video

By   NeoAkira      septiembre 04, 2018      Tags  
El mas reciente video de KOF XIV  por parte de Persona en esta ocasión Chang Koehan sin duda lo mas creativo como nos tiene acostumbrado este gran Combo Maker
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The King of Fighters XIV combo video showcasing what Chang Koehan is capable of, be that old, new, practical or impractical.
I've actually planned Chang a long while ago but had to stop and release other characters first due to how many times I was able to recapture his combos. He may not have a lot of combo potential but there are a lot of very precise distances that you need to achieve in order to extend his combos. After knowing that, I've been able to drastically push Chang's max damage.


01) Leona: Aims for most damage starting with one power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 502 damage.
02) Athena: Aims for most damage starting with two power gauges and 1000 max gauge. 739 damage.
03) Kula: Aims for most damage starting with three power gauges and 1000 max gauge. 761 damage.
04) Mian: Aims for most damage starting with four power gauges and 1250 max gauge. 838 damage.
05) Zarina: Aims for most damage starting with five power gauges and 1500 max gauge. 863 damage.
06) Vanessa: -
07) Daimon: -
08) Najd: -
09) Mai: -
10) Kim: -

01) Leona: C xx BC, b~f AC, b~f AC, d C xx b~f C
02) Athena: C xx BC, b~f AC, d C xx qcfx2 P
03) Kula: C xx BC, b~f AC, b~f A xx qcf-hcb P, qcfx2 C
04) Mian: C xx BC, b~f AC, d C xx b~f C xx qcf-hcb P, qcfx2 AC
05) Zarina: C xx BC, b~f AC, d C xx b~f C xx qcf-hcb P xx hcbx2 AC
06) Vanessa: C xx BC, CD xx b~f AC, C xx BC, d C xx b~f AC, b~f A xx qcfx2 C
07) Daimon: CD, d A xx mash P xx qcf-hcb P, qcf-hcb AC
08) Najd: BC, b~f AC, b~f AC, b~f AC, b~f AC, mash P xx qcf-hcb P xx hcbx2 AC
09) Mai: qcfx2 AC (trade), C xx BC, b~f A, mash P xx hcbx2 AC
10) Kim: C xx BC, jp C, d A, d A xx mash P xx qcf-hcb P xx hcbx2 AC

by NeoAkira

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