KoF XIV: Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, Goro Daimon combo video (FINAL VERSION) v3.11

By   NeoAkira      septiembre 10, 2019      Tags  
Persona no deja de sorprendernos y nos trae su versión definitiva del Team Japon en KOF XIV en combos
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The King of Fighters XIV combo video showcasing what Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido and Goro Daimon are capable of, be that old, new, practical or impractical.

Kyo Kusanagi
01) Shun'Ei: Aims for most damage starting with one power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 515 damage.
02) Rock: Aims for most damage starting with two power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 641 damage.
03) Ralf: Aims for most damage starting with three power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 741 damage.
04) Athena: Aims for most damage starting with four power gauge and 1250 max gauge. 839 damage.

Benimaru Nikaido
01) Love: Aims for most damage starting with one power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 494 damage.
02) Angel: Aims for most damage starting with two power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 612 damage.
03) Luong: Aims for most damage starting with three power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 672 damage.
04) Yuri: Aims for most damage starting with four power gauge and 1250 max gauge. 713 damage.
05) Zarina: Aims for most damage starting with five power gauge and 1500 max gauge. 827 damage.

Goro Daimon
01) Alice: Aims for most damage starting with one power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 448 damage.
02) Gang-Il: Aims for most damage starting with two power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 613 damage.
03) Ryo: Aims for most damage starting with three power gauge and 1000 max gauge. 619 damage.
04) Geese: Aims for most damage starting with four power gauge and 1250 max gauge. 718 damage.
05) Joe: Aims for most damage starting with five power gauge and 1500 max gauge. 745 damage.

by NeoAkira

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